Sunday, 14 September 2014

OSF 4: Knit Collar Update

Audrey on her Knit Collar Braided Carpet
Remember all those knit cuffs and collars I've been trying to flog (to no avail) over the past months? Our wonderful volunteer and artist-in-residence, Audrey, has solved the puzzle of what to do with them: braid a carpet! Audrey was commissioned to make this spectacular, one-of-a-kind rug for a customer who saw her fiddling around with the idea at an OSF sale.

I was so excited about it I had to have a lesson. She uses no thread or needle, but simply braids the tails right into the previous row of braid. It's easy to learn, works up quickly, and is very satisfying. Almost addicting, you might say. A perfect project to work on in front of the TV on a drizzly evening. Feels good under the feet, too.

We still have enough knit collars for a few lucky OSF customers to braid themselves a good-sized area rug. $40 for the materials, including a lesson from Audrey to get you started. Ask for Leah at our next sale and use the code phrase: "The collar braids at midnight."

These rolls of waistband facing braid up nicely, too. There's a sample rug-lette in the store, hanging on the wall near the cutting table. $2/roll. Now that's a bargain.

Or, if you suffer from cold floors and unvented frustrations, address both by braiding a carpet from ripped fabric strips. Most therapeutic. Many, many suitable fabrics available: $10-$60/bolt.

Choose your fibre and get in on the lesson for $20.  Lesson date and time to be determined, but early enough for you to whip up a rug or set of placemats in plenty of time for gift-giving season. I'm thinking October. Watch our website for details.